Who do I coach?
I have delivered coaching and mentoring for:
  • Junior & mid level UX improvers
  • UI designers boosting their research, strategy, IA game
  • Product and delivery teams learning the UX process
  • Team managers looking to hire or grow UX capabilities
"Ben supported my transition from product manager to UX designer.

I've probably fast-tracked 5 years of work experience with this coaching, and have fallen back in love with my work."
Coaching client
I have worked on over a hundred UX projects. Many have been successful, with happily performing teams, yet many have been messy, lacking direction, with stressed and disillusioned teams.

I've seen which UX techniques - and which soft skills - make for great projects and happy focused minds. I care deeply about helping people navigate this side of our industry.

In 2015 I became certified in Coaching for Performance, Stress and Productivity, to better support others (and myself) with the skills needed to thrive on even those hectic messy projects.

Since then I have been coaching others in our industry (alongside UX consulting work) in developing their UX skills and soft skills, to thrive and enjoy their work again.
Ask me about:
Mentoring H&M's product designers in growing their practical UX skillsets.
Coaching Nationwide's product teams in user-centred planning and strategy skills.
Running 'UX without the stress' workshops at conferences and companies, teaching practical techniques for navigating demanding UX projects.
Typical format
The coaching will be tailored, but a typical programme could look like this:
  • 2 - 3 month programme running alongside your day job (for live, on-the-job support), including:
  • A weekly masterclass, learning a specific UX skill
  • Weekly practical mentoring sessions, using live projects and challenges
  • Weekly mind and behaviour check-in, with simple techniques for stress, productivity, happiness
We kick off with an assessment of your UX skills and soft skills, then define your growth goals and coaching plan.
From there, we're into regular coaching, updating your digital playbook as we go (yours to keep).
"Without a doubt I'm a more confident UX designer now.

I feel equipped and motivated on this project now - believe me, this is a huge change.

The coaching has been super practical, and has been fun and rejuvenating.

I've definitely cemented my UX skills in research, strategy and information architecture, and I've gained some killer productivity and mind techniques too. So helpful. Seriously impressed."
Coaching client
Want to discuss coaching with me?
Let's talk